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Arizona Driving Schools Tips To Consider When Driving at Night

Arizona Drivers Ed Schools Safe Driving Tips

If you plan to drive after sunset, it is essential to understand that driving at night presents different challenges for the driver than they are used to during the day. Recent studies have shown that road death rates are three times higher at night, but many of us are unaware of the dangers of night driving for the average motorist and the best ways to deal with these situations. The most common risk that drivers are exposed to at night is poor visibility. Motorists lose the advantage of color and contrast that sunlight offers.
In addition, they also have limited depth perception and peripheral vision at night. While you can be safe driving at night, other drivers may be inconsiderate and fail to take proper safety precautions (e.g., slow down and use headlights). If you happen to be involved in an accident with one of these negligent drivers, you may be entitled to financial compensation to cover your damage caused by the accident. To learn more about night driving and your legal rights as a car accident victim, consult an experienced lawyer right away. The following tips can improve your safe driving behavior when driving at night:

Do not drink or drive

You may think that you are good with alcohol and that you won`t get arrested or cross the legal limit in your state, but it is a proven fact that any alcohol in your system will slow you down or affect your reflexes. What if something happens and you need to act quickly? Not worth the risk. Get a specific driver. Every day families are torn apart by a drunk driver who thought they could drive. Alcohol also affects your judgment and makes you think you can drive when you shouldn`t. Don`t drive drunk – and don`t let others drive drunk.

Beware of bumps on the road

Finally, remember that everyday bumps on the road are not as evident as they are during the day. The same concept applies to foreign objects. Because you don`t have good vision, you probably won`t spot these dangers right away. However, if something happens, you will need time to respond. So slow down and keep a reasonable distance from the car in front of you. If you do, you will likely be fine if you encounter something you weren`t expecting.

Keep your lights clean

Before going for a walk in your car at night, make sure you prepare it properly. Keep your taillights, signal lights, headlights, and windows clean. This will help you see better and allow other drivers to see your lights better.

Avoid glare

If an oncoming car cannot lower its headlights from top to bottom, you can avoid the glare by looking to the right side of the road. You can use it as a guide and keep your eyes off the blinding light.


If you follow the tips above, you can protect yourself, your passengers, and other drivers after sunset. However, if you are involved in an accident caused by another negligent driver, be aware that the law protects you in that situation. Act quickly if you would like to be represented by a lawyer and contact an attorney immediately.

To learn even more about how to keep yourself safe driving at night, consider looking enrolling a local drivers ed school.