Karan Chavis Uncategorized Leveraging Third Party Intent

Leveraging Third Party Intent

One of the more challenging aspect of any digital marketing plan is how to leverage third party intent. It is important because as a business owner,you need to be able to find the customers that are most likely to buy from you,and then find a way to market to them effectively. If you are able to leverage third party intent in an effective way,it will save your company a ton in revenue,because you won’t have to attract as many people. They will already be the audience you are looking for. This practice is especially true for any business that is done online.

Finding Something to Measure

The first thing you need to worry about when leveraging third party intent is how to measure it. Essentially,you are measuring need,or at least the customers wants. Basically,when it comes to online shoppers you have two groups,those that want to buy right now,and those that are just doing research. While you don’t want to alienate the ones doing research,they shouldn’t be your main focus. There are techniques you can use to separate the needs from the researchers. In the past,it was a simple process. Now,it is much more difficult to do.

Keep it Simple

Once you have identified the audience you want to cater to,the next step is making it easy for them to buy from you. Make sure you are on the form of social media that your audience chooses to engage in,and also make sure that you are making the experience as easy as you can. No one wants to jump through hoops to buy a product,so a difficult process will turn people away quickly. Also,you need to create moments where your audience will be most likely to buy. These are called micro-moments and they are essential to marketing. Learn more about-.